Tuesday, 4 May 2010


Welcome to the world of Topps/ ABC UGLY STICKERS! I absolutely loved these grotesque beauties back in the Sixties. I'd stick 'em everywhere: exercise books, bikes, cupboards, my brothers' stuff! They're a fantastic example of how, like the Space craze, the Monster craze popped up in everything, especially for kids! I was lucky enough to get these at the NEC in the 90's. There was a rival to Ugly Stickers, the wonderfully crazy NUTTY INITIALS. I had them all too back in the day but my modern collection consists of just one J, below!

 Anybody else remember these Uglies and Nutties?
There's more stuff online about UGLY STICKERS here and NUTTY INITIALS here!
Use NUTTY INITIALS to write your name here!


  1. Gosh, yes, I remember these!

    Less grotesque and even more interesting to me were the Chix "Krazy Kreatures" cards. Remember those? I had the bubble-gum sized cards, but they might also have been released cigarette-card sized too.

    Each had a description on its reverse, describing the "Kreature" - it's habitat, food, characteristics, etc. If I am recalling correctly, the Frit scared me quite a bit because it was described as something against which there was no defence (I really was a frightened little thing back then) ^_^

    See here: http://images.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://farm1.static.flickr.com/232/1507922538_8dc82bdc04.jpg&imgrefurl=http://flickr.com/photos/13570409%40N03/1507922538/&usg=__s_eGRQbUmbW04bFJMMD3-ebgZ14=&h=500&w=331&sz=226&hl=en&start=37&um=1&itbs=1&tbnid=3_Ub8-6_XvF1WM:&tbnh=130&tbnw=86&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dkrazy%2Bkreatures%26start%3D21%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN%26ndsp%3D21%26tbs%3Disch:1

  2. I loved those stickers with a passion, espcially as they mirrored the rubber 'Teachers Pets' toy monsters too. My sister plastered her bed headboard with the nutty initials and a flower power version too!

  3. Put mine all over my notebooks back then. Really liked them at the time, but now they seem too grotesque for my taste. Sigh. Does that mean I am growing up after all? Well, I don't wanna, and I won't, so there. Can't make me! (;_;)

  4. Oh man, I had Ugly stickers plastered on justabout -everything- from my schoolbooks to my Raleigh Chopper and back. Sadly none survive, and I've resisted the urge to get me a new set. I've instead settled for a virtual collection of pics from epay before the site you mention existed. I don't mind them being grotesque at all (sorry, TPT) love them for it. In fact they're one of those few things that look as good as how you remembered them when you see them again after a few decades. And one of them's been sitting on my various Macs' desktop ever since. :)


  5. @ wotan: here's a list of the rubber ones:
    (Saunders is one of the artists that did the original art btw)

  6. I remember well those rubber versions. And those I find loveable and not at all grotesque, unlike the stickers. Don't know why.

    Thanks for the link, Paul.
