Friday, 16 April 2010


Saw the re-make of Clash of the Titans in 3D last night. SamWorthington, Liam Neeson, Nicholas Boult (About A Boy). Made in the modern monochrome palette and bristling with CGI, it hasn't done anything to change my view of modern re-makes. The star of the show remains the huge hellspawn of Hades, which is brought forth with the cry 'Release The Kraken', a phrase which I'm sure has multiple usage possibilities in daily life!

Anyone got the toys pictured below from the late 1981 film starring Harry Hamlin and monsters by master Harryhausen?
picture via Lost at E Minor

1 comment:

  1. it's one of my favourite films, but I don't have any toys from it. What I do have is the novelisation of the original film.
