Monday, 8 March 2010


I recently helped with clearing a cellar and was given a pile of World of Wonder comics for my hard labour ( oh and dinner too!). All from the early 1970's, I've picked out a few with space - related covers. Oh yes, there's a cool Craig Breedlove landspeed car too and a back page sketch of a fabulous and totally SWORD space tractor! The driver has his own bubble cab! I love it how these comics always merged with other comics! WoW 'incorporating Treasure'!
Anyone get these comics as kids?


  1. I do like that the tractor's cabin dome can be moved about on its arm!

  2. I got WoW, I wanted L&L because of the Trigan Empire, but we weren't allowed 'comics' so I had to read my mates, while recieving my regular supply of 'proper' magazines.

    Mum - mellowing with age - got more liberal in the late 70's and allowed my younger brother to have 2000AD, how angry was the sullen teenager in me!

    Years later, I went through them taking out all the military, language/alphabet and toy articles, but trashed whatever was left including the space stuff!

  3. I used to get WOW after Tell Me Why bit the dust. My dad insisted i get Lokk and Learn too, which I found dull as dishwater! Speed and Power was always my favourite though!

  4. That tractor is awesome indeed. It's like a movie camera boom with a thresher behind it!

  5. Speed and Power - what a fabulously muscular name for an edu-comic! Never got that but I did get Look-In every week and somewhere I've still got the free Kung Fu badge!

  6. According to my mate Mark WoW stands for World of Warcraft! What's that when it's at home?

  7. You have the perfect description of the tractor there, Jay!

    Speed and Power is a muscular name for an edu-comic! I'm only surprised they didn't call it, "Speed, Power and Weaponry!" (-_^)

    I keep hearing about World of Warcraft too. Anyone care to explain what it is, please?

  8. I really like the Workshop in Space cover. The space station design is quite nice.

  9. I agree, RP. It is a nice design.
