Sunday, 21 March 2010


Well it's been a sunny relaxing weekend so far at Moonbase Central. Yesterday was spent ambling through the snickitts and lanes of ancient York whilst window ogling, people watching and charity shopping. York's finds include a big box VHS of the 1980's classic MONSTER SQUAD for my collection; WATCHERS, a Dean Koontz-inspired 80's schlocker to watch sometime, several old Dr.Who books,including a technical manual, for Amazoning and a VHS I'm so looking forward to watching again after many years, CAPRICORN ONE, about a faked landing on the wastes of MARS - very SWORDesque!

Speaking of martian-like wastes, I've just seen on the news that a volcano has erupted in Iceland. About a hundred miles from Reyjkavik, flights have been diverted, local people evacuated and a state of emergency declared in that area, which we went near last year on our fantastic Iceland holiday! The raw power of nature is everywhere on the island so it doesn't surprise me that there's some volcanic activity. Most Europeans have to cope with some bad winter weather now and then but just imagine dealing with an ash cloud and a lava flow! Spectacular from afar but no doubt very frightening on the ground. You can see the eruption's sheer energy on this footage.


  1. I like CAPRICORN ONE. But it annoys and bewilders me that there are some who think the real moon landings were faked in a similar fashion.

  2. That's not a volcano! That's the Earth rending assunder, we're all gonna DIE! Run for the hills! (post me you toy collections first - I'll look after them!).

  3. Thanks, Maverick! I feel so much better about running for the hills knowing my toy collection is safe in your hands. Glad there are people like you who think of others during a crisis like this ^_^
