Tuesday, 16 March 2010


You may remember during the blog's first birthday month that an article on the JR21 X-series of toys was posted by Ferryman. Beautifully detailed plastic space toys, the X-series had it's own model number sequence and a particular attractive box art style. So you can imagine how excited I was when I saw what I thought was a toy very similar to the X-series, the compact X-80 SPACE CAPSULE as pictured above (courtesy of Ebay). Besides the X in the toy's name it was the distinctive washed-out pastels of the side illustrations that completely reminded me of those on the other boxes in the X-series particularly the pinkish- backed   image on the X-40 Space Rocket - shown at the top below (courtesy of Ferryman):
Not only that but the model number of 240 also fits the series' numbering scheme catalogued by Ferryman as follows:

X-40 Space Rocket: No. 232

X-50 Space Racer: No. 233

X-60 Space Rocket on Launching Truck: No. 234

X-70 Astronaut: No. 235

The X-30 Space Explorer bucks this trend because it is marked No. 303

240 would place the X-80 after the X-70 numbered 235. This inevitably leads to the question - what happened to 236, 237, 238 and 239? 

So taking all things into account I asked Ferryman his thoughts on this toy and agreed it is indeed a new member of the JR21 X - series! As such it is also a distant relative of Century 21's Project SWORD! Wonderful!


  1. I like that box - and as for the capsules ... wow!

  2. Hi, thanks for this info! I've owned the X-70 astronaut for a couple years (I collect vintage robots and ray guns) and never really thought of it as being part of this series... It just never even occurred to me!

    I love all these toys, though... Definitely some of the more impressive plastic space toys to come out of Hong Kong.

    (Great blog, too!)
