Wednesday, 10 March 2010

Lip Service to the Space Race

well, the devil will make work for idle hands and having found myself with a couple of hours spare and a handful of interesting shaped plastic bottles, I set to and made my own Moon Rocket!

The lower fuselage is half a plastic champagne flute and the top stage is a lip gloss bottle I nicked off my daughter. I added the wings and tailplanes from two Harrier Jump Jet kits, a handful of lego parts for the engine and the inside of an air freshener and voila! Von Braun would be proud.


  1. You should work for NASA WOTAN! I name this rocket BOLLINGER 1.

  2. I concur. Marvellous work as usual, Wotan!

  3. still needs a bit of work, but its a bit of fun. Anyone else made anything recently ?

  4. I don't think more needs doing, Wotan. Looks a fine craft just as she is!

    I've been neglecting real life for a virtual one, but seeing your rocket might inspire me to have a try ^_^
