Monday, 1 February 2010


I need a bit of help. Despite trying I just cannot find out anything about my LBZ space spinning top - pictured below. I think its from the late 60's or early 70's. Inside is a silver Thunderbird 2 and a moon landscape.
I posted lots of pics of it last year (more here) and since then I've had an occasional search for any details about it but to no avail. The top was made by LBZ (Lorenz Bolz of Zirndorf), a German manufacturer famous for tinplate and plastic tops. LBZ made plain tops and very ornate ones like mine. Other ornate examples include trains, fairy tales and planes. They were very often boxed as in the example below and more here.
You can clearly see the initials LBZ, together with the name of the toy and its number, in this case 36. I would be really chuffed if anyone, who has links to the German toy scene or knows about tops, could maybe point me in the right direction to finding out the name, number and box art for my own space top. Thanks for listening!


  1. Looking at the box and speaking as an old cold-war warrior, I'd say East Germany? Their cigarettes came in card like that!

  2. It'll be writing, calling or faxing, Paul, they don't want to be online it seems. Best try a call first to see if that number still works (and maybe ask for a contact - trying the press officer / public relations dept is usually best).

    Lorenz Bolz GmbH & Co.
    Schützenstr. 11,
    DE-90513 Zirndorf
, Germany
    Tel: +49(0)911 609031,
Fax: +49(0)911 605685

    good luck

  3. Wow! Thanks a lot Paul! Nice one. I'll drop them a line - amazing that they still exist! Maybe they have an archive - hope so. Zirndorf is near Nurnberg in the South according to my map. But I agree Maverick, with its simple box style it does look East German.

  4. Don't mensh, Paul, good luck.

    Just go easy - the Germans aren't as used as the Brits to oddballs like us asking about all kinds of obscure stuff from way back when. :)

    Just keep it short and to the point. And put in a good picture (that survives B/W transmission) should you fax them.


  5. Will do Paul.
