Wednesday, 3 February 2010


What could be better than one Scramble Bug? Several joined together of course! Here's the MULTI USE 12 WHEELS MOON TRANSPORTATION! No brand name visible but it really is an intereseting toy. I know there are other artics around but I like the Century 21 Bug colour scheme - yellow, red and black - on this one. And the lego pieces are called GO GO BRICKS! Now that's one cool bit of rebranding. With Go Go Bricks you could biuld an entire Carnaby Street just for you! Currently on Ebay.


  1. It's got to be the best toy ever made, I've laughed for whole minutes looking at the eBay listing - I hope it sells for $thousands! - And check out the instruction many ways you can use half a dozen Lego beams and a couple of bogies?

    "THIS IS GOOD FOR EDUCATIONAL TOY! Stand UP When I am talking to you! Now...Listen...GO GO SQUARE, Go-Go Round...YOU SEE...IDIOT!"

    Hahahaha!!!!!Well found, thanks for shareing,

    I feel guilty now 'cause I found a six-wheeled, boxed thing on Dutch eBay earlier and thought of you guys, but didn't copy the link (I was serching 'Vintage Boxed Toy, vintage Plastic, Vintage Hong Kong' or similar terms.

  2. Hee hee, it's a cracker ain't it! And that Mercury Explorer is great. They pop up now and then on Obey, sorry Ebay. I'd love to see the picture of the rest of fleet on the side of the box. May even be on the blog - there's so much!

  3. Oh dear; I'm getting an "Error, not found" message from the Mercury Moon Explorer link. Did anyone grab a picture?

  4. 120437272799 Item Number, it's still there so eBay must ahve blocked it or something?

  5. Thanks for the Item Number, Maverick. I can see it now.
