I read the story/article BATTLE BREAKDOWN 3 in the 1969 TV21 annual last night. I recommend it on a cold eveing with a cup of hot cocoa! I was amazed just how military PROJECT SWORD vehicles are meant to be being almost measured by how lethal they are! Hardly a quaint set of space toys! I won't spoil it by saying in case you want to read it online (link above) but I was amazed which SWORD craft came out at the top of the destructiveness table! Not what I thought at all! In fact you could easilly make a set of SWORD Top Trumps using this info! Hee hee. The other interesting thing is how it depicts SWORD as a mining operation for new planets! There's only really the MOON RANGER that suggests a bit of mining and bulldozing. I suppose the PROSPECTOR could have prospected for different ores? Then again it doesn't say what they were mining for. Does anyone know from the comic strips in SOLO/TV21?
Great pic of the Spectrum copter in that annual