Tuesday, 26 January 2010


Anyone got any views about the films Moon versus Sunshine? It's ages since I've seen Sunshine but I enjoyed Moon more. I found the story compelling and the actor was superb.


  1. Both films look good but are ultimately derivative and disappointing.

    Sunshine turns into a daft slasher film in the third act, while Moon only reminded me to watch 2001 again.


  2. yes, space slashers. A fine sub-genre. Event Horizon had a novel idea behind it - flying to the 'other side'. It got a bit messy too though.

    I picked up an early Big Box VHS of 2001 over Xmas. Looking forward to watching it again. Keir Dullea was another good actor.Its an acquired taste I know but I adore Kubrick's last film AI.

  3. Strictly speaking, AI was a Spielberg film, but I agree Kubrick's fingerprints are all over it.

    Event Horizon is better than its reputation suggests IMO. Perhaps it belongs to a sub-sub-genre - Gothic space slashers!


  4. Spectrum Steve1/26/2010 9:18 pm

    I have not seen 'Moon' yet (but plan to) but I liked 'Sunshine' enough to buy the DVD. I'm not fussed about the slasher elements but I really liked the basic concept and the design elements such as the spacesuits.

  5. There's a brilliant gothic vast spaceship in the 1980's LIFEFORCE. Classic space vampires movie with a twist. I can see a geneology here of 'respond to the beacon' films: Planet of the Vampires > Alien > LIFEFORCE > EVENT HORIZON > ?

    I'm sure there's movies I've missed out!

  6. I like Lifeforce despite its silliness. Owes a great deal to Quatermass & the Pit of course.

