Monday, 25 January 2010


Holy Bat Swords! Is that ol' Batty astride a sleek and shiney Task Force 2? And it comes in both Gotham red and Arkham blue! ZAP! BLAM! Whatever next, a Joker Ferry! Hee hee. These fab rare Japanese vintage toys were spotted by the Harlemeister - thanks Terry!

Unlike Dinosaurs (the real ones, Thunder Lizards) and Man, who alas never met on the sandy plains of a Triassic Christmas morning, it is totally possible and most likely very probable that SWORD Dyna-Soars and Bat-Man met on many a needle-festooned Yuletide carpet. Unfortunately my parents didn't capture this titanic struggle on film so I ask fellow bloggers, have you got any Bat/SWORD Kodak moments? In fact any SWORD or Vintage toy family snaps would be cool to post if you want to! I'll dig out some old toy shots from my own Jurassic past to kick it off.

In the meantime here's a couple of close-up shots, which came out better than my usual efforts, of the delightful BATMAN SWOOPS DOWN game by Spears of England 1966, part of my Bats collection currently being auctioned on Obey. Sorry, Ebay. A beautiful synergy of plastic, colour and comic genius. - the game that is, not my photo's! Hee hee.

Bloglet composed whilst in the Moonbase Loft listening to the sweet tones of Boston's 'Don't Look Back'. Class!


  1. Spectrum Steve1/25/2010 10:53 pm

    Just a thought Woodsy but isn't that the Batmissile from Batman returns in a prototype form! (Hmmmmm.....I wonder what Tim Burton got for christmas that year.....)Oh, and first Rush now Boston.. Woodsy you are a man of good musical taste!

  2. Yes, the Bat Missile! I love those Keaton Burton Batman films. It was Batman in 89 hat kicked off my collecting bug. I discovered Car Boot Sales too that year - there were tons of old toys at boot sales back then: Ghostbusters, Thundercats, MOTU and lots of Super Heroes. Far fewer of these around now. The Batman film run went down hill until the American Psycho actor's stint - what is his name? Early senility setting in! Oh yeah, thanks for the kind words about my music jukebox - if I was a stick of rock it would be very heavy with I Love The Seventies running through it! Hee hee.

  3. Spectrum Steve1/26/2010 9:09 pm

    Christian Bale......and that's not senility....It's pop culture overload! My wife and I saw 'Batman' on it's day of release at it's first showing at ten o'clock on a Saturday morning and it blew us both away (talked about it all the way into town afterwards) still have all the merchadise I bought that year too!
