Monday, 18 January 2010


I have to admit I've had a soft spot for BATMAN since the 1960's TV series. KAPOW! I've recently been sorting through my Batcave and auctioning a few items to raise some funds. Whilst sorting I came across a few completely battered Batman annuals from the 60's including one with this cool back cover. It's so ...Bat Deco! I had to post it. Is Batman popular out there or is my echo location completely kaputt? BLAM!


  1. The Philosophic Toad1/18/2010 9:54 pm

    I like the 1960s TV series, but haven't read enough of the comics (and certainly not recently) to be make a decision. The original release Corgi Batmobile was wonderful! - that I did like.

  2. Here are a couple of blogs devoted to Batman toys and merchandise:

    I've been known to write the occasional sentimental tribute to Batman on my own blog, and a while back I copy edited a book about the movie Batman Begins, so I'm always interested to see where the caped crusader turns up...

  3. Nice links RAB. Wow! a book! RESPECT! Which one?
