Monday, 21 December 2009

What's The Weather Like?

Pretty poor weather here in Pontefract, West Yorkshire, England. Snow. Ice. Car won't start this morning. Must be Winter! What's it like in your neck of the woods?


  1. The Philosophic Toad12/21/2009 2:06 pm

    Winter here. Snow too. It's wonderful!

  2. Well, at the risk of having a bunch of you throw snowballs at me it's clear and in the upper 60s here in Tucson. I was able to walk to work in short sleevesa few days a go.

  3. About four-five inches just east of Sprout City. Can't get cars up to house coz of hilly street. Did manage to slither both up to level ground this morning (no gritting at all in sideroads) going the other way round. Otherwise beau-ti-ful. Kids use the soviet-built kamikaze ski-sled down the street. :)
