Saturday 12 December 2009


With permission from the seller, I have posted these fabulous pictures of the BERWICK THUNDERBIRDS UNIFORM 1965, which recently appeared on Ebay. It really is amazing. I particularly like the box and the accessories. I'm pretty sure I didn't own one when I was 5 but I may have done - my memory is like an old piece of Gouda. Did anyone have the pleasure of donning this uniform back in the Sixties? Are there anymore TB uniforms?

PS. there is more info on this uniform at Steve's excellent Vintage Thunderbirds Toys (check out his great ID competition too - at least one blog reader has already won something!)


  1. i had a pale blue vinyl hat at one point!

  2. It's a good thing I never knew these existed, or I would have driven everyone in my family insane with my pleading for one. Which would have been difficult what with us being in the U.S. for a start…! I do remember finally getting a blue wedge cap from an "Air Force" costume and wearing it with a blue turtleneck, without anything to serve as the sash and insignia.

  3. That is one cool outfit. I would have loved to have one when I was younger.

  4. Was just wondering is this the uniform that was available in the UK I remember having one when I was little and it looks very like what I remember with all the accessories along with it. Thanks to anyone who gets back to me with the information.

  5. Hi Peter, yes it's the Berwick TB uniform available in the UK in the Sixties. It was advertised in comics like TV21. You can see more detailed pictures of each item at the vintage thunderbirds site
