Saturday 19 December 2009


Avatar is without doubt one of the best films I've ever seen. Just got back after seeing it with my buddy Mark - started at 9.15pm and finished at 12.15am! Its long! The hardware is fantastic, including a HUGE stealth-like space glider and some fabulous VTOLS! But its the landscape of Pandora and the overall look and feel of the film (so yes, the effects) that blew me away. You MUST see it in 3D too! The best £7 I've spent in a long time. Treat yourself and take a friend!


  1. I certainly look forward to seeing it.

  2. Saw it last week, truly awesome even though I'd wish to return to Pandora within some less-formulaic story, just to adore the wealth of imagination of the world conceived. Funny how you blend into 3D, not really giving it much thought after first 20 minutes - truly living in the virtual.

