Saturday 7 November 2009


Keen-eyed blogger Jim has spotted this brilliant paperback cover sporting what appears to be an MPC Fireball XL5 toy! Hee hee, Darth has started something alright!

and OK it's not an actual toy but this is too good not to share from Grif (posted on the Sword Forum), an italian version of Bertram Chandler's Deep Reaches of Space 1967 showing what Grif points out as obviously a re-hash of Rob McCall's Nuclear Ferry artwork, that we first saw in Look and Learn comic. Amazingly the artist has managed to make the cab underneath look like a Scout 3 with fins!

And yes, I'm feeling left out so in order to jump on the bookwagon I've had to broaden it out ( well I am the Editor!) to include Toy Boxes. Here's the NOMURA SPACE COMMANDER showing what I reckon are renditions of our friends the Booster Rocket (lower right) and the Space Glider (upper left).

OK, sort of desperate I know but quirky nonetheless. Any more book covers?

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