Wednesday 18 November 2009


The other day I asked the question whether there is a tinplate SWORD toy? In between drowning in the mental mires of string theory and how to help my daughter find a new job I came to the conclusion that there is probably only one contender for the tin SWORD title: THE SHANGHAI MOONSHIP.

Now, this answer only works if you firstly buy into the notion that the MOONSHIP is in some way SWORD. My own view, based on previous posts and toy adverts from the time, is that it's a close relative but not immediate family. So it's SWORD once removed, a member of PROJECT MOON. That's enough for me. It's pedigree is there.

So the second issue to grapple with is whether the Shanghai tinplate version is related to the actual Century 21 toy? Well after comparing them both - pictured below - there are enough similarities - name, shape, jet engines, window, wheel positions - for me to say yes, I think so (can anyone translate the chinese box?)

I'm glad that's sorted. So let's have a closer look at the only tinplate SWORD toy and possibley the only one from CHINA as well!

Pictures courtesy of Ebay
with technical help from WOTAN


  1. The Philosophic Toad11/18/2009 8:42 pm

    Did you see the kit parts for the Monogram Super-G Constellation on that website you mentioned, WOODSY? (Plastic Kits).

    The main body parts would be a good place to start if you wanted to make your own version of the Moonship.

  2. I have this Moonship (exact one, no box though) and it is for sale.
    Do you know where best to try and sell it and how much I should ask?
    818.613.5274 is my email
