Thursday 19 November 2009


Darth has kindly sent in these pics of his fabulous TARHEEL and NASA PROBE FORCE fleet. I really do love that crazy 60's photoshop box art! Just how did they do it back then? And is that a real photo of space in the background? Wonder who on earth did these for Tarheel - a photographer/ graphics guy in their home town TARBORO in North Carolina?

Notice how the NASA clone of the Tarheel PF3 has left off all references to SWORD on the box and toy. Was it just too risky to lift them too?

Great stuff Darth. Thanks for sharing. Woodsy


  1. Being a graphics guy old enough to remember how we did things before computers came along, they probably dropped a load of sand and/or flour and slightly glittery stuff on to a black surface, suspended the toys above it and shot their pictures aiming straight down. Alternatively, they may have had the basic background image airbushed and used it as a backdrop, but using sand or whatever will have been quicker and cheaper I think.

    The rest is done with selective lighting and making sure the background is out of focus through limited depth-of-field by choosing a smaller aperture setting on the camera lens. Once they had their basic photo print, they could've had the spiraling arms of the 'galaxy' background tinted red with transparent retouching ink and (air)brushed in the exhaust gases and speed flashes with opaque paint. Exhaust fumes would also hide any supporting rods that may've held up each toy during the photo shoot (and which would've been painted black to keep them as invisible as possible to begin with).

    Toys and background could in theory have been shot separately, but since this would've meant stripping in the toys for a final montage (which costs) I expect they'll've efficiently set it all up in the studio to take it in one shot.

