Saturday, 16 April 2011

ASC SPACE PATROL Thunderbird 2

Not blogging much at the mo owing to family illness but here's a little cracker to say hello with and lend my support to the mighty WOTAN, who is blogging like a champ! Anyways, this is the fabulous SPACE PATROL TB2 clone by ASC in all its boxed glory and looking like a fabulous green Easter egg! Beautiful. From the Arto collection and acquired from New Orleans just prior to Hurricane Katrina - now that's one lucky Thunderbird 2! And below its out of its box as featured on Ebay sometime ago. Is it the same mould as the JR21 version? Anyone able to photograph them both together?

1 comment:

  1. No expert, but as I recall the JR21 model had a separate pod at the centre, this seems to have the fuselage all in one piece, suggesting it's a different moulding?
