Wednesday 18 November 2009


Hi Paul

As I was going through my stuff  I came upon some of my 2001 bits and pieces. Seeing as how they tried to tie the movie in with the PROJECT SWORD toys I thought this may be of interest (above) - A July 25th 1969 pressing of the classic piece of music now so closely associated with 'Space' in one form or another. I have other bits too like the press brochure for the movie and the gorgeous silver brochure available in foyers. The one I have is actually the one bought for me as a 4 year old kid!! I have some Aurora model kit ads too forthe Clipper and the Moonbus.
Excellent Jim! Thanks for sharing. The 2001/SWORD connection is fascinating. I read that Stanley Kubrick approached Gerry A to do the effects for 2001 but he didn't want to deviate from his own TV shows (GA Biography, Simon Archer). We have touched on this relationship before on the blog - like the SWORD Annual, Hatchet's Night Club and press coverage but any further info, particularly pictures of the SWORD CINEMA FOYER DISPLAYS, would be just wonderful. Woodsy.

1 comment:

  1. The Philosophic Toad11/18/2009 8:45 pm

    Jim, do you have a digital recording of this record? I'm curious about the music for the T.V. Apollo Moonshot Programmes.
