Sunday, 6 September 2009


Here's another cheap but wonderful rack toy set I had as a wee anklebiter, HAIRCUT FOR BOYS AND GIRLS. Like plastic tool sets, anythinf like this kept me entertained for hours. Its been a titanic struggle not ripping the bag open and simply having a play!

... And again, a beautiful Hong kong plastic PIRATE SET from my tender years (courtesy of one of the first toy fairs I ever went to, the World Famous Pudsey Swapmeet in Leeds). You had to be small to get your hand in that sword grip!
....and here's a few morsels from my Batman collection including the Spears SWOOPS DOWN game & the 1966 Hanky found in a charity shop -ace graphics and apparantly unused!

Finally and not a toy at all, but equally as nostalgic for me, the 1970's ESSO FOOTBALL CLUB BADGES set on its display card - below! Although I was never a big footie fan I did go through a short phase adoring the game, buying SHOOT comics and supporting Leeds United in their glory years (although I lived in Lancashire!). I loved this set particularly probably because they were shiney shiney and reminded me of my metallic bike stickers that I had all over my Chopper (Raleigh!). My first footie memory is little World Cup Willie on the telly (year?) and later having a wonderful plastic football with all the England Squad's signatures pre-printed on it - just don't know when. Can't remember what the 60's bike stickers were like either, but I've got this ESSO badges set up on the shelf.
I'm off on holiday tomorrow, to the Bavarian Alps, so I'll leave you in the capable hands of the God of Thunder, WOTAN. I'll be back! Keep this channel open for the blog's first birthday bash from the 16th September to the 16th October!

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