Sunday, 5 July 2009

Being Neil Armstrong Tonight 9pm

Being Neil Armstrong is on BBC4 UK TV tonight 9pm. Lots more Astronaut programmes during the week too.


  1. Spectrum Steve7/05/2009 11:42 pm

    After watching this which I thought was very well made and both sensitive and respectful to Neil Armstrong, I said to my wife that I felt in touch with my eight year old self in a way that only happens at time like these...anyone else? (Yeah, It's a siily question I know..why else are we here!).By the way I highly recommend the biography'First Man' by James R Hansen if you really want an insight into Neil Armstrong.
    Spectrum Steve

  2. I agree Steve, it was a great TV programme, even if we didn't get to meet Mr. Armstrong. It reminded me of the reclusiveness of Mark Hamill od Star Wars fame and Steve Ditko, co-creator of Spider-Man ( Jonathan Ross did get to meet him in his documentary but the meeting wasn' shown). The astronaut programmes these last two weeks have been just brilliant. What an amazing year it was, 1969. Are we so much more advanced now? I'm not so sure.
