Saturday, 6 June 2009


The seller, MrThunder, of the current Ebay auction of the superb Century 2 SUBMARINE AIRCRAFT CARRIER has kindly sent the blog more great shots of this superlative toy for posterity:

From Top to Bottom:

1. Full view as can be seen cuurently on Ebay

2. Box ends - both the same

3. One long side of the box lid

4. The other long side of the box lid showing instructions

5. Top of hull with deck flap open

6. Detail close-up of the two firing mechanisms for the 'airplanes'

7. Underside of hull showing friction-drive motor and wheel assembly which slots into the black area of the hull recess. This is removed and the red propeller assembly then clips onto the small black holder halfway down the length of the hull

8. Most of the "detachable" parts available for the toy in the Ebay auction including both rear 'wings', part of the propeller assembly, the two 'chrome' parts to the conning towers, the under-hull steering wheel and the four launchable 'airplanes'

Thanks MrThunder - Just faaaaaaaaaaaaabulous!

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