Friday, 29 May 2009


Here's one of my favourite Unsung Heroes of the SWORD fleet, never making it to the toy factory, the awesome Trans- Oceanic Sword Vessel, which graces page 89, part of the Survey Vehicle strip in the 1969 SWORD Annual. Skippered by Captain Moretenson, the Vessel must transport DIVER 1 to the Australian seas to recover a stricken nuclear reactor. Also known as the Jet Ship and the Mother Ship in the strip. Compare it with the original painting by genius Eric Eden in the TV21 Summer Extra, where it's called the Transatlantic Day Ferry and in black and white, the Atlantic Ferry. I've never seen any toy that looks like it but I'd love to be told otherwise!
For more detailed info about the comic strips in the SWORD Annual consult the fabulous Gerry Anderson Complete Comics History.


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  2. Hi Togbane
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