Wednesday, 15 April 2009


I've been putting in double time in the Sword Dream Factory this holiday! After my modest success and great fun with the Nuclear Freighter and Salvage Craft I turned my newly-honed modelling 'skills' to another of the Spacex II Rogues Gallery, the beautifully rare Photonic Space Station. The question of source material was relatively easy - there are only two illustrations ( the top two pics) - and my first attempt was a small black version using a 'Kinder' egg style toy Lunar Prospector by Furuta of Japan I found on Ebay. Basically all I did was add a clear canopy, photon dish and antenna using bits from my ancient box of odds and sods. What it lacks in the 'ice cream cone' shape of the original I feel it makes up for in its simplicity and well-deserves it's new name of Egg 1.
Not satisfied with Egg 1 however, I felt I needed to capture more of the station's tapering cone and its little details. So, with much trepidation, I decided to dip my toe in the Humbrol and attempt my first ever 'scratchbiult' project, a term which has up to this point filled me with glue-infused shock, dread and complete wonderment. Fortuitously I had recently read on the excellent Major Matt Mason Forum that Dental Floss boxes could be easilly converted into new backpacks for the Major! Suitably inspired by this DIY revelation, which even I could get my head around, I headed off to Poundland in search of photonic household items! Armed with packets of ink roller pens (for the basic cone body and an excellent clear round canopy), biros, plastic paint-brushes and my ever-faithful box of junk, the results can be seen above in the bottom four pics. Much bigger than Egg 1 and using a wilder Spacex palette, I present Ink 1, named after the ink roller pen at the heart of the 'model'. I'm unsure how successful Ink 1 is in terms of said model but I won't knock myself out too much as it was, after all, my first ever trip, albeit fairly basic, into the heady world of scratchbiulding! What fun!
So, now what?*$?

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