Wednesday, 22 April 2009


Custom blue Pulse by WOTAN
Is there a collective noun for several Space Stations? An array? A cluster? Anyways, I do love the Spacex Nuclear Pulse Space Station. I didn't have one as a kid in the 60's. I didn't have any of the Spacex Major fleet, only the smaller Spacex 1 stuff. Don't remember seeing it either but my memory is pretty moth-eaten! The bigger craft have been an adult discovery. The UK b/w advert and trade article (top two pics) highlight how the Pulse was part of the main thrust of Spacex advertising and one of the two well-advertised Spacex Major toys, along with the Mobile Launch Pad (MLP). It's interesting to consider how different it was for its cousin, the Photonic Propulsion Space Station, which had a similar comic strip advert campaign (together with the less usual portrait ad) but is much much rarer.
The Pulse also makes it into a US Golden Astronaut Set advert, which appears in the JC Penny Catalogue (2nd to bottom pic). This really is a beautiful group shot showing the range's pastel colours at their best. I think I prefer the blue US Pulse but have no idea what its individual box looked like (I do have a set box pic). Was their ever a colour advert done in the UK and did the blue Pulse only appear in the US? Does anybody have a decent jpeg scan of the instruction sheet that came with the UK tray box, which I can post on the blog?
Pictures courtesy of blog friends, the Philosophic Toad, WOTAN and Will Osborne, together with JC Penny and Ebay over the past few years.


  1. The Philosophic Toad4/23/2009 10:18 am

    Is there a collective noun for several Space Stations? An array? A cluster?An orbital?

  2. Maybe maybe. Space Stations are actually space ships. Perhaps the nautical theme extends to several space ships - an armada? a fleet? A flotilla? But where would smaller ships dock onto ( or is it with?) the Nuclear Pulse?
