Friday, 24 April 2009


I love Moon Traffic. A lot of Spacex fans are very familiar with it but its been a late discovery for me. I had a Roxy moon vehicle way back in 1992 but didn't know it was Moon Traffic until a couple of years ago. Anyways I picked up this little beauty at the Pudsey Swapmeet in Leeds - the Cruiser 3. The card graphics has the moon close-up just like a Spacex card. The interesting thing is the fact that no less than 3 toy companies are involved! A knockoff with class! There's the ROXY cruiser itself; then there's the CLIFFORD card and finally there's the LP gold astronaut! Sort of a Woolies Pick 'n' Mix! They've even thrown in a reference to Project Sword with the words PROJECT M3! The cruiser itself is just wonderful - I covered the design differences with the Spacex Cruiser 1 previously on the blog. There'll be more Moon Traffic later.

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