Wednesday, 25 March 2009


Newsflash from Darth: Tom Hanks is doing a Major Matt Mason movie. Written by Graham Yost who worked with him on From the Earth to the Moon.

Just think - new Major Matt Toys in the shops! Wow! 1968 here we come again! Woodsy

1 comment:

  1. Long time reader, first time commenter here.

    There's some reason for hope that this film won't be a "Thunderbirds"-style misfire but will stay true to the spirit of the original, and I hope that extends to a nice assortment of toys.

    For quite a while I've looked at the market for recreated MMM props and accessories and thought Mattel could have made a packet by reissuing some of the figures and vehicles precisely matching the originals, and offering them at a premium rate for the adult collector rather than trying to sell them to youngsters. (Something similar was done for the Captain Action toy line a while back, before the most recent relaunch.)

    Unfortunately, my suspicion is that we'll end up with (for example) Gary Sinise playing Sgt. Storm in the movie, and a new Sgt. Storm figure that looks like Gary Sinise instead of like the "real thing." Nostalgic adults wouldn't like that, and neither would kids.
