Friday, 27 March 2009


And here it is, the JR21 New Flying Saucer! Just as I thought - it's the same as the Polyplast one. This also proves that JR21 used the same basic base design on the Prospector and the Flying Saucer with a few slight changes. There's also BROHM and NASA versions. It's incestuous! These JR21 pics are courtesy of Chris King on the brilliant Space 1999 Eagle Transporter Forum, where Chris observes:

This is the JR21 `New Flying Saucer` which I picked up for a song off Ebay recently. Its remarkably similar in design and box art to the JR21 TB5, but much smaller, approx 6" diameter. Interestingly, the bottom of the saucer clearly has the Tarheel `T` moulded on it. I`m guessing this is
from 1966, so we have an indication of the two companies `mould
swapping` way back.

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