Saturday, 20 December 2008

My First Photographs of My PROJECT SWORD Collection: early 1990's

Looking through some old family photo's to send with Xmas cards I stumbled across these prints I took of Project Sword craft about 15 years ago. The quality is terrible! Pre-digital bog standard kodak! I feel that the second one down with the wavey green look isn't that bad. I can't beleive I had a hair on the lens in the bottom photo of the Scout boat! I'm sure that blog readers can do much much better than this!
So - I'll be soon launching a - wait for it - a PROJECT SWORD photo competition!!!!!! Watch this Space!!!!!!!
Here's an early shot of a young Woodsy displaying my passion for spaceships as I patrol the skies with my cousin Susan in a Space Tank and Supercar at Butlins in the glorious 60's. Check out Thunderbird 1 catching us up! Heaven!

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