Wednesday, 30 September 2009


The CENTURY 21 MOBILE BRIDGE AND COMBAT TANK is one of the less common C21 offerings. Like the Hurdler it is a straight military vehicle but it wouldn't look out of place in a SWORD fleet I don't think. I've never seen this toy in the 'flesh', the above picture of an incomplete example is courtesy of Ebay from a couple of years ago. And like the Hurdler it has its doppelganger (or origin?) by MARX in the shape of the CAP FIRING TANK and more closely the SPACE TANK pictured below, which even has the same red barrel tip shown on the box art. Odd that Century 21 didn't opt for a space theme rather than military. I do love this C21 toy though and can't wait to actually see it one day!

Tuesday, 29 September 2009


I posted pictures of the wonderful Century 21 HURDLER earlier in the year on the main blog. I've still not worked out what it is that the Hurdler is driving over? Bright orange glass? Lava? Since getting it I have come across similar if not identical versions by Marx, all HILL CLIMBING and in civilian and military styles.

Marx also did a realted range of HILL CLIMBING trucks such as the DUMP and the WRECKER (below). This naturally begs the question, whether Century 21 did too?


We have a winner in the Car Booty Competition! Here is the winning entry from Amy:

"Hi there ! Just a quick guess at the competion. I think the toy talked about might be the "Daleks" Cutta-mastic set by Bell Toys (1965 I think). The main clue is the burning smell, the importance of the battery (which i think was the big square 9 (?) volt type - but was it actually included ?) and the fact the Boot sale dealer had tested it, which seemed to spoil the toy. Anyway that's my best guess. Amy"

Several readers were close but Amy was the first correct answer! Well done Amy! You are now the proud owner of the rare JR21 Dart Gun, which will be winging its way to you via Thunderbird 2!

Thanks to everyone who had a bash and a big thanks to Steve of for creating the competition and donating the fab prize in our very first bloggiversary competition. Cheers Steve and Well Done Amy!

PS. For those interested all 7 clues are shown in the side-bar - when would you have known the answer?


It was only recently when I was posting the pics for Project Spaceman - Metal Men and I included the picture of Rotons Flying Saucer that it occured to me that there were loads of toys made in the shape of flying suacers, or UFOs. Im very keen on the history and background of ufos and came across this very informative 'UFO Timeline' - on the strange science website.

The term 'flying saucer' came about when Kenneth Arnold witnessed several objects from an airliner window - which looked like "saucers skipping across a pond" (sic). Popular culture seized this image and it was further embellished by the infamous Roswell incident.

In actual fact, what Arnold (lower pic) saw was a crescent shaped aircraft:

Jun 24, 1947: In daylight, Kenneth Arnold sees nine unusual objects flying in a chain near Mount Rainier Washington. Sighting by Kenneth Arnold which popularized the term, “Flying Saucer” resembled the Horten wing. Arnold believed he witnessed experimental aircraft and said he saw glass cockpits.

The german aerodynamic engineers, the Horten Bros had experimented with parabolic wing (top pic) aircraft around the end of the second world war and a lot of secret files and experimental prototypes were both seized and 'imported' into the US during the allied relief of Nazi Germany and with Operation Paperclip, which brought german scientists over to the US government and recruited Werner Von Braun, the father of the US Space Programme.

However, the popular image of a saucer remains !


Here's another beautiful Century 21 toy car, the Vauxhall Cresta from the 1960's, which was recently sold by 'verstecken' on Ebay. It has rear wheel friction drive, chromed wheels, tinted windows, lift up bonnet revealing chromed engine and is approximately 12.5cm. The model number on the box edge is 3009-1 and on the car underside is embossed 3009.

If you look at the picture of the underside above you'll notice that the toy is actually a LUCKY car! So it would appear that Century 21 simply re-boxed it and that's it! Lucky toys also had their identical own boxed version as well pictured below.

Are there any more links between Century 21 and Lucky?

Monday, 28 September 2009


Certain space figures are destined to recall a part of collecting history and for me are the essence of periods in the space age. Golden astronaut figures always remind me of the late sixties and similarly, these Cherilea Swoppet figures mark the transition to the seventies. Larger than the average Cherilea or Britains soldier by a good head and shoulders, the construction was basically the same - legs and torso and head could be swapped about and the back packs were detachable too, making it possible to create your own custom spaceman. Earlier models came without a base and had slightly enlarged feet allowing them to stand, but the bulk of the figures seen today have plastic bases. Boxed sets complete with a repurposed Dr Who Mechanoid body made into a space capsule were available, but the chances of more than one spaceman fitting inside the cricket ball sized capsule were remote! Box set courtesy of Mark Bergin toys and loose figures from Joe Langs own collections. More to follow soon!

Sunday, 27 September 2009


OK! Many people refer to the 1960s culturally as the ‘Era of the 3 Bs. Bond, Beatles and Batman.’

However for kids growing up in that period it could also be referred to as the ‘Era of the 4 S’! Spooks, Spies, Super-Heroes and Space!

With Aurora monster kits, a MAN FROM U.N.C.L.E briefcase and a Berwick Batman costume I guess I kind of bought into all of that stuff but none of those subjects really had any basis in reality. Not so with the final ‘S’, SPACE.

As a child growing up in the 1960s, particularly the latter part, the Space Race was everywhere. No child watches current affairs or news programmes but if there was a piece on the Apollo mission to the Moon I was glued to the set. The television was for me babysitter. One with whom my parents felt at ease while they went about their daily chores at home. To this end I was cared for by Scott Tracy, Captain Scarlet, Professor Robinson and the crew of the Jupiter 2 along with Dr Who and later Captain Kirk and those under his command aboard the Enterprise. With these characters as my friends and heroes to whom I would aspire it was no surprise that come Birthday or Christmas time I was presented with figural counterparts of them or miniature versions of the vehicles which took them on their many adventures. Some of my earliest memories of reading were the Yuletide annuals from Century 21 Publishing.

Aware of my interest in all things ‘Outer Space’ my parents and relatives bought me many of the toys now achieving iconic status amongst collectors and pop culture enthusiasts. ACTION MAN Astronaut was perhaps my favourite of the non TV-related space toys I had. Running a close second, depending on my given mood, was Major Matt Mason and his bendy pals. Not forgetting JOHNNY ASTRO which to this day I defy anyone to be able to actually work properly. BILLY BLAST-OFF from Eldon was another little space man I enjoyed hours of exploration time with.

But why was I, along with millions of other children across the globe, so fascinated and drawn to these toys? As kids it probably just seemed natural and exciting but in retrospect I see that it was a definite subconscious attraction to these toys whether they were PROJECT SWORD vehicles, Airfix Saturn V kits or even that famous plastic children’s space helmet we all seemed to own with the microphone under the visor. Of all the subjects I was interested in none were ‘real’. Batman was Adam West, Napoleon Solo was actor Robert Vaughn and of course Gerry Anderson’s heroes were puppets. However there were real flesh and blood people involved in designing and building the craft capable of propelling men towards the Moon and I understood that. Armstrong, Aldrin and Collins were as much my childhood heroes as were those of fiction. These were real men who did what I dreamed of doing one day. Their mode of transport wasn’t perhaps as sleek as the Zero X or their suits as ‘cool’ as those worn by the crew of FIREBALL XL5 but even as I child I knew “These men are really doing it”.

How things change over close to half a century. As a middle-aged man I have discovered that I am completely unsuitable to travel into space as I once hoped I would. I am a terrible air traveller, I can’t even drive a car and on my one trip to Florida was horribly sick following a ‘Flight Simulation To Mars’! A highlight of that same holiday however was being able to see for real things I had only ever seen in books or on television and I felt privileged to be amongst such things of wonder. I still remember the look on the faces of other visitors to the Kennedy Space Centre when I pulled from my back a Major Matt Mason figure for a photo-op and whispering to him “Your home now mate!”

With sites like Paul’s along with DVD’s of my favourite childhood Science Fiction television shows and films I can again be that Space Cadet I was as a six year old. Even now I know Christmas will bring me something Space related so I guess after forty years for guys like us things are still the same.



Earlier in the Spring and grieving over being knocked out of the running for the JR21 Atomic Submarine Aircraft Carrier, I purchased this unusual and diminutive JR21 piece of obscura to make me feel better! I haven't seen another of these JR21 beauties, which has the JR diamond cartouche on the underside and never seen a box. What I have turned up is the virtually identical and far more commonplace 1967 SCALEXTRIC TYPHOON COMBO, which came in a whole range of colours as pictured below. I suspect that the Scalextric toy came first and JR21 followed. Were there other JR21 colours made?

Saturday, 26 September 2009


Hello Paul!
Yes, I DO remember you. I’m sorry my reply was not very inspiring back then (letter to Ed.)

I am now nearly 58 and have had no recurrence of any of my former back problems since I was prayed for back in 1996. I became a Christian as a direct result of that healing, as not only was I freed from SIXTEEN YEARS of back problems, I was also cured of a heart murmur & a duodenal ulcer & 2 stomach ulcers! Indeed a miraculous healing.

Now as regards “PROJECT SWORD”. I have never been asked to make any of the SWORD designs, although as you can see on my website and the picture I was commissioned to build a studio sized replica of “ZERO X” a few years ago. But recently I picked up a PROJECT SWORD ANNUAL &….wait for it- 3 THUNDERBIRD, 2 STINGRAY, 3 FIREBALL XL5, 2 LADY PENELOPE & 3 SUPERCAR annuals & books for 50p each at a car boot sale!! I just could not believe my luck! All were in VERY good condition and although I had some of them already (like ALL the Supercar books –as it was this show I most loved as a kid of 8 in 1960) I realised these I’d just found were in considerably better condition.

As regards design, I did always like “THE PROSPECTOR” & “THE SCRAMBLE BUG” as these struck me as nice looking, practical designs. Also the one wheeled “Survey Vehicle”. Anyway, THANKYOU for keeping Project Sword alive, what a pity it was never a real TV show. It was an inspiring project, even if many of the still photos used were taken from “2001: A Space Odyssey”.

With very best wishes

Friday, 25 September 2009


Donated by Steve, proprietor of the cool Vintage Thunderbirds Toys site, this fab JR21 toy is a prize on the blog's first birthday car booty competition. Points of interest are the US Cents price tag and Sean Connery lookalike, both obviously trying to appeal to the American market. Assuming that this is from the mid-Sixties, its contemporaries on both side of the Atlantic will have been Topper Toys's popular Secret Sam Attache Case, which also had a periscope, and the Multiple Toys James Bond Attache Case. A gorgeous JR toy!


It's Friday night at Moonbase Central so it's time to celebrate more of the bloggiversary. And you're going to love this. Steve, proprietor of the fab collectors site Vintage Thunderbirds Toys has both come up with this fun ruse and donated the awesome prize below, the rare and wonderful JR21 Dart Pistol on its original card! Now that's a Friday Night Special! A big cheers to Steve (if you haven't visited his site it's a must).

Made in Hong Kong, the cents price box means it was originally available in the US too! The Sean Connery lookalike will have helped there. Shaken not stirred!

So, the Car Booty competition, here we go... basically guess the toy being talked about below in 'A True |Story' and win the fab JR21 prize. One attempt per person only! A new clue will be added every day making it easier to guess the longer you leave it! But someone may beat you to it! What a dilemma. Guess early & gamble? Or hang fire.................Editor's decision final.

Autumn. Mid 90s. Derby Cattle Market car boot. Low sun, poor visibilty.

15 minutes into the action.

A white van man. Not an attic or garage clearance.

Wow............. Unmistakable.


Blink again.

No. It's not a dream. Gorgeous big box, stunning artwork.

Off the tarpaulin, in the hands & onto the table. Mine now - booters' law - unless I refuse.

Never seen one before but manage to stay calm (ish).

"How much is this?"



"Got to be 2 quid.....There's a new battery in there. It works. Tested it & had a go last night".

Off with the lid. New battery - check. Faint smell of burning. Contents examined.

Common swear word uttered.

"You do this?".

"Yep, told you it was working"

Common swear word uttered again.

""2 quid your best?"



Birmingham NEC Memorabila - exactly one week later. Before the doors opened to the public.

"How much is this?"


"Never seen one before. It all there?"

"Yep, And it works"

Contents examined

Same common swear word.

"Shame about these".

"I know.............."

"170 your best?"

"Yep, It works. The battery isn't original.But, it works"

"I'll take it".

So, you must name the toy and the maker's name. A new clue will be added tomorrow evening and each evening for 7 days. Email me here with your answer - remember, only ONE GUESS PER READER. Only ONE in TOTAL in the WHOLE COMPETITION! PLAY EARLY OR WAIT? YOUR CHOICE BUT DON'T BLOW IT!

Good luck!


Similar to the Telsada Trans-Continental Express bloglet, this plastic Japanese Amphibious car can be found as the basis of a fire-tender in Thunderbirds (bottom picture). The toy recently featured on Ebay and sold for well over £200 (top 3 pictures), although I am still unsure of the manufacturer or indeed the name of this toy (sight of a box would be truly excellent). The transformation of the toy car, like the Trans-Continental Express, into the Thunderbirds fire-tender, Meddings-style, is once again the subject of the talented Mike Delamar's scratchbiuld thread on the impressive Space 1999 Eagle Transporter Forum. You can view the fire-tender in action at the start of this You Tube clip of the City of Fire episode of Thunderbirds:


In the week before the bloggiversary my Lady and I were celebrating our own Silver Weddiversary in the Bavarian Alps. The highlight of this trip was without doubt the 'ascent' of Germany's highest mountain, the Zugspitze at 2,962 metres (9,718 ft). The 'ascent' consisted of a 75 minute train journey from Garmisch through stunningly beautiful alpine countryside to about 4/5'ths of the way up to the Zugspitzplatt or plateau. On this plateau I was amazed to find a chapel, a bar, a restaurant, Germany's highest Post Office and various other facilities not to mention a whole flock of tame Alpine Choughs! Not only that, there was an entire fleet of sehr gross SWORD-esque vehicles up there too! I couldn't resist photohgraphing them for th blog so here they are! The ascent continued for the final stretch on a very large cable 'car' - more like a coach really, the Gletscherbahn, with easilly a hundred intrepid folk packed in there! At the very top things were far more serious - you know this is the top of a very high mountain. The air is thinner and its very cold despite the sunshine. Nevertheless, there are still restuarants, snack bars, beer balconies and both Germany's highest Bratwurst ( yummm!) and internet portal, which I emailed the blog from! The peak is also the border with Austria, which you can just walk through and view the Austrian Tirol on the other side. On a good day you can see Italy and France too. There was more going on at the top of the Zugspitze than goes off in my village back home in a year! Yodelehehoeheho!

Thursday, 24 September 2009



Not JR21 or Century 21 I know, but besides looking truly brilliant and ultra modern, the Telsada Trans-Continental Express does have Anderson form. These pictures are from it's recent appearance on Ebay. I had a flutter but was quickly despatched to the rough grass as the serious bidders took over. It reached a handsome £300+ !

I first came across it here on the excellent Space 1999 Eagle Transporter Forum where a talented young modelmaker, Mike Delamar, has started a wonderful project to re-create various Anderson TV fire-tenders. If you have a spare half hour you could do nothing better than read the thread from 'scratch' to the current last page - it is a work in progress so keep checking in like me to see how far Mike has got.

It has appeared in a number of Anderson shows including this footage from Stingray The Loch Ness Monster, where it's bright yellow and transporting Stingray on its roof across Scotland! - courtesy of the indispensible You Tube (from around 6.18 minutes)!

Further pictures of the bus from an Ebay US auction November 2009